Thursday, January 17, 2008

God is good at Physics and Fashion

My friend Roxanne and I were talking the other day. She was sharing her woes of writing her thesis for her masters in engineering and I was sharing my woes of not finding Tall Pants. And she assured me that "God is good at Physics and Fashion"

Well, if you read my earlier blog about the clothing exchange you will be happy to know that I have acquired the difficult Tall Pants. And you all know that I LOVE Physicis. I am kind of a science nerd and may sort of have a bias but this book was SOOOO GOOD! It is not historical fiction even. I have ventured into the territory of reading a Biography. But it reads just like a novel. Your library should have it - you should go get it and read it!
So seriously, I am sure you know that Galileo was put on trial because he held the view that the Earth moved around the Sun and not the other way around. Well, there is a verse in Joshua where it says that the Sun stood still. I really do appreciate the desire to hold the Bible as the standard above observable science and of course the Bible isn't trying to teach science. But God knows everything and is never wrong. Galileo also discovered that there are "sun spots" and we now know that the Sun rotates and that the spots are actually magnetic fields on the Sun. So as the Sun rotates the changing magnetic field draws the Earth around itself. If the Earth would stop going around the Sun then the magnetic field would have made the day SHORTER for Joshua and his fighting army. But if the Sun stopped rotating then the earth would rotate slower and the day would be longer - allowing Joshua's army to win the battle. Isn't that SOOO COOL!

I just think that is so exciting when we discover that God really knows what He's talking about in the Bible even if we humans think science is more accurate. Okay, enough of my nerdy physics for everyone. Just read the book. It is more about Galileo's life than science so don't be scared off by my crazy explanation.

Any by all means if you see any Tall Pants - please let me know!

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