Thursday, January 31, 2008

Green Lipped Muscles

I am in LA and I am colder than when I am I WI despite the fact that they closed schools the other day due to the cold (it was -4 degrees with a wind chill of -35 or something crazy.). Anyway the air conditioning at this meeting is just insane. But that isn't the only thing insane. My crazy seafood risotto had "green lipped muscles" - I didn't know muscles had lips! It was very tasty but I am convinced it was the asparagus and spinach. Would any of you have guessed that I liked asparagus?

1 comment:

Kevin and Amy said...

Mussels with lips? Um, no, I had no idea. Especially green ones, at that. I'm with MUST be the asparagus. Let's hope so. Next thing you know they'll tell us that asparagus has lips. That's where I draw the line.