Friday, January 11, 2008

Hard Boiled Eggs

While most of my friends are posting fancy caserole recipe ideas to their blogs I am somehow stuck in a cooking rut where I can't even manage to make hard boiled eggs! Yes ladies this is what my crazy life has come to. Actually it all started at 3:45am this past Wednesday when I woke up for my 1 day trip to Tulsa, OK. Try flying from Milwaukee to Tulsa - there are no simple ways to do that! But alas it was a great customer visit and I even made it home by 1am and got to sleep in my own bed - WOHOOO. I didn't think it at all unreasonable to go in to the office late morning the next day. And although my new manager is typically quite reasonable about these things she has gotten really wacky over the upcoming Sales Meeting. She was sending me emails saying "COME SEE ME AS SOON AS YOU GET IN" at 9am when I had informed her at 1am that I had just completed a 21 hour work day and was sleeping in. Well after rushing in to the office still half asleep I find that there was nothing urgent or pressing - Grrrr. She just thought it would be a good idea for me to prepare a second presentation for the Sales Meeting. And despite the fact that I will not actually be presenting that information she thought it was still a good idea. So I stayed at the office until nearly 8pm trying to finish up. I skipped dinner and went to bed instead. The next morning after going to the gym I realize that it is VERY important for me to eat - skipping meals is not a good way to keep your brain working. So I scrub some sweet potatoes to put in my crock pot (yes just plain potatoes!) and then was in the middle of making hard boiled eggs to put on my salad for lunch when I get a phone call. YOU'RE LATE! I had completely forgotten about a meeting that morning and was late - my half cooked eggs & boiling water together with the hot pan went into the fridge. I had no lunch to bring to work and had not eaten breakfast yet. You can imagine what a wreck I was in when I got to the office. Ahhhh. And our Sales Meeting isn't even for another 2 weeks!

My other recent kitchen catastrophe actually turned into some kind of science experiment. I would joke about finding the cure for some disease but I got too freaked seeing the movie "I am Legend". Some co-workers made me go and I was absolutely terrified. These were supposed to be apricot bars and I apparently forgot that I even made them because they were tucked away in my pantry for who knows how long. I absolutely panicked when I found them. If anyone wants the recipe just let me know.

Honestly, usually I am pretty good in the kitchen - I am not sure what happened. I need to go to cooking therapy I think.


Kevin and Amy said...


Oh my GOSH!!!! I saw the picture of the aprioct bars, and I read the title of the entry, and I was SURE that the picture was of EGG on top of some souffle or something. Now I think I may be looking at some sort of penicilin laboratory???

And speaking of I Am Legend...we just saw it this weekend. In fact, we had to sit on the STAIRS of the movie theater because we were late. Anyway, I was terrified at first because I didn't know there were monsters. I thought there were just bad actual people. Out of my mind with terror. But once I got used to them I started to think it was a little hokey. Anyway, I know it affected Kevin...he was talking about it all the next day. Scary flick!

Anyway, I will happily attest to the fact that you are a FABULOUS cook and that your loyal readers should NOT consider this apricot bar fiasco and egg-boiling fiaso to be representative of your abilities. I've had your salmon and your pie and they are TASTY!!!

Always fun to read your updates!

Sarah said...

Amy do you know you can RE-BOIL hard boil eggs! Seriously, I figured I would try instead of just throwing them out. I just pretended I was starting over. Now that is a nice thing to know - eggs are great. Such a convenient food and so understanding to my crazy life!

Kevin and Amy said...

I agree wholeheartedly with the "eggs are great analysis."

The incredible, edible egg is one of my all-time favorites!

VERY glad to learn about the re-boiling factor...I imagine the day will come when I need to try that trick out!

Anonymous said...

Those apricot bars look are so scary! I think I would have fainted if I had found them in my house! Is it a sign that you need to be home more to eat the things you make?